Mt. Zion Rd. Interchange Improvements

is the scope of the project?
The Mt. Zion Rd. (KY 536) Interchange Improvements project:
Replaced the existing interchange at Mt. Zion Rd. (KY 536) and I-71/75 with a double crossover diamond (DCD) interchange. This innovative solution has been proven to result in significant reductions to both crashes and delays by eliminating left turns made against oncoming traffic.
Widened Mt. Zion Rd. from three lanes to up to nine lanes from west of the interchange to Dixie Highway (US 25) on the east side. Widening allowed for the addition of new through/turn lanes and a raised median on Mt. Zion Rd. Additionally, new upgraded service roads that provide better access to local businesses weree built.
Constructed a shared-use path along the north side of Mt. Zion Rd.
Added sidewalks along the south side of Mt. Zion Rd. east of the interchange. Sidewalks were extended in other locations within the project area.
are these improvements
taking place?
The Mt. Zion Rd. Interchange Improvements will dramatically improve safety, reduce travel time delays and provide better connections to a growing number of businesses in the area.
Significant regional growth and increasing traffic volumes have also led to higher crash rates than the statewide average for similar roadways. Double crossover diamond (DCD) interchanges dramatically improve safety because they eliminate numerous traffic conflict points. DCDs also move drivers through high traffic areas much more efficiently.
New shared-use paths are designed to improve access for bicyclists and pedestrians while connecting to a planned multi-use trail throughout the region.
will work begin and end?
Project construction began in 2019. This project was completed in Fall 2023. Corrective work within the project limits is expected to take place through Summer 2024.
will there be impacts to traffic because of the project work?
Corrective work is in progress within the project limits. This work may require minor traffic impacts.
Check our Travel Advisories page for more information.
Please slow down and use caution while traveling through the area.
much will the project cost?
The construction cost is expected to be approximately $20 million.
can I contact if I have questions or comments?
We would love to hear from you. Please e-mail us at [email protected] with questions, comments or input on our work.
Contractors may reference Item No. 6-14.